The available database comprises research projects in Fisheries, Aquaculture, Seafood Processing and Marine Biotechnology active in the time period 2003-2022.
BlueBio is an ERA-NET COFUND created to directly identify new and improve existing ways of bringing bio-based products and services to the market and find new ways of creating value from in the blue bioeconomy.

More information on the BlueBio project and participating funding organizations is available on the BlueBio website:

Last Update: 2024/05/17

Approccio conoscitivo per il consolidamento delle tecniche di riproduzione controllata della cernia di scoglio (Epinephelus marginatus) e della ricciola (Seriola dumerilii) - Fact-finding approach to the consolidation of controlled reproduction techniques for the dusky grouper (Epinephelus marginatus) and the Mediterranean amberjack (Seriola dumerilii)
National Programme
ISPRA - Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (Italy)
€ NA
During the reproductive seasons 2001 and 2002, amberjack spawners were thermally conditioned from April to June. Thermal regime favoured gonad maturation and 70% of females completed exogenous vitellogenesis. Hormonal induction performed with synthetic analogs of GnRHa and human corionic gonadotropin led to egg emission characterized of low percentage of fertilization that might be due to failure to release sperm in the tank or to a lack of synchronization of the deposition event in the two sexes. In the course of this project the dusky grouper was reproduced for the first time in captivity. The reproduction of this species is also the first positive result to emerge from repeated attempts by various research groups on various species of the genus Epinephelus in the Mediterranean. At the end of these tests more than 13000 dusky grouper juveniles had been obtained with a body weight of 1.42 ± 0.6 gr and a survival rate of 12%. This result was obtained through the development of hormone induction techniques that allowed high quality eggs to be obtained as well as through a series of technical procedures enabling the problems encountered in rearing module management during the early larval stages to be solved.
Larval rearing; Engineering; Fish; Dusky grouper; Amberjacks; Fish biology; Fish reproduction;
South of Sicily (GSA 16)
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