The available database comprises research projects in Fisheries, Aquaculture, Seafood Processing and Marine Biotechnology active in the time period 2003-2022.
BlueBio is an ERA-NET COFUND created to directly identify new and improve existing ways of bringing bio-based products and services to the market and find new ways of creating value from in the blue bioeconomy.

More information on the BlueBio project and participating funding organizations is available on the BlueBio website:

Last Update: 2024/05/17

Benessere e stato di salute di specie ittiche allevate - Welfare and health of farmed fish species
National Programme
ISPRA - Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (Italy)
€ 80,750
Animal welfare has become the focus of efforts to design new market strategies and policies at the global level and scientific research plays a key role in this context. The welfare of farmed fish species is closely linked to the way in which the production process is carried out. It thus represents a characteristic of the product itself which contributes to determining quality both in terms of safety and health. The present project is part of the above scenario and is aimed at contributing to the development of innovative forms of fish farming to produce high quality and healthy fish. The activities performed in the present project were focused on the development, application and validation of several indicators of health and welfare in two model species: the European seabass and the gilthead seabream.
Indicators; Seabream; Animal welfare; Fish; Seabass; Fish health;
Not associated to marine areas
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