The available database comprises research projects in Fisheries, Aquaculture, Seafood Processing and Marine Biotechnology active in the time period 2003-2022.
BlueBio is an ERA-NET COFUND created to directly identify new and improve existing ways of bringing bio-based products and services to the market and find new ways of creating value from in the blue bioeconomy.

More information on the BlueBio project and participating funding organizations is available on the BlueBio website:

Last Update: 2024/05/17

Seafood Processing
Development and testing of attractants for processed baits for seine fishing for snow crab
National Programme
NMBU - Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway)
NA - Ecobait AS (Norway)NA - Eurofins Norsk Matanalyse AS (Norway)NA - Polar Seafood AS (Norway)PwC - PricewaterhouseCoopers AS (Norway)
€ 572,980
Akar and herring are the most common bait used during snow crab fishing in the Barents Sea today. The raw materials used for bait are in demand on the consumer market, where they constitute important sources of protein that could be consumed in their entirety. This results in price pressure on bait, which is increasingly threatening the financial basis of the fisheries. Acorns used for bait are also partly imported from remote regions and thus constitute an environmental burden. Based on economic and sustainability considerations, it is important to replace the current bait with alternative/artificial bait. In several fishing seasons, Ecobait has achieved catch results for crayfish and snow crab that exceed the use of the best available natural baits. However, it is a challenge to obtain sufficient and good quality catch data to be able to determine the exact catch efficiency in different seasons and environments. However, there is a lot of catch data on both crayfish and snow crab which documents that Ecobait bait can replace acorns and also has the potential for further development to a catch efficiency that far exceeds the best natural baits in fishing for crayfish and snow crab. There is also potential in simplifying the own process on board, which is important for efficiency and in terms of workload for the crew. Main objective: To document the effect of the best Ecobait baits in large-scale trials after crayfish. Sub-goals: • To carry out two large-scale trials where the best baits are tested against traditional baits. • To test semi- or fully automated suitability.
Crustacean; Shellfish; Waste management; Crab; Crustacean fisheries;
Barents Sea (27.I)
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