The available database comprises research projects in Fisheries, Aquaculture, Seafood Processing and Marine Biotechnology active in the time period 2003-2022.
BlueBio is an ERA-NET COFUND created to directly identify new and improve existing ways of bringing bio-based products and services to the market and find new ways of creating value from in the blue bioeconomy.

More information on the BlueBio project and participating funding organizations is available on the BlueBio website:

Last Update: 2024/05/17

Support coherent and coordinated assessment of biodiversity and measures across Mediterranean for the next 6-year cycle of MFSD implementation
DG Environment + EMFF
HCMR - Hellenic Center for Marine Research (Greece)
NA - Azti (Spain)NA - EcoOcean Institute (France)IzVRS - Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia (Slovenia)IOF - Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (Croatia)ISPRA - Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (Italy)NKUA - National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)NIB - National institute of Biology (Slovenia)CoNISMa - National Interuniversity Consortium for Marine Sciences (Italy)CNR - National Research Council (Italy)NA - Spanish National Research Council; Institute of Marine Research (Spain)NA - Tethys Research Institute (Italy)ACCOBAMS - The Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area (International)UNIBA - University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy)UNIBO - University of Bologna (Italy)
€ 1,245,731
The general objectives of ABIOMMED project are to: (1) Support the (sub)regional assessment of the extent to which GES has been achieved, focusing on implementation of the 2017 GES Decision through practical delivery of Article 8 assessments (i.e., defining lists of elements, threshold values and integration rules, as part of the process to prepare the assessments), for the following specific topics: D1: Coordinated (regional) assessments, especially of highly mobile species groups (taking into account their broad distributional range) and of under-reported groups (e.g., cetaceans, sharks and other non-commercial fish species); support when relevant the work of the MSFD Expert Networks (all regions); D1C6 and D6: identification of ecologically relevant scales and areas for assessment of pelagic and benthic (broad) habitat types, taking account of work by TG Seabed, EUSeaMap modelling approaches and Copernicus data (particularly NE Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea); Coordination and delivery of Article 8 (sub)regional assessments for specific descriptors, contributing also to UNEP/MAP’s QSR 2023 and complementing the EcAp III project for South Mediterranean countries (Mediterranean Sea). (2) Support the quantification (notably ex-post) of the effect of the PoMs. Support the ex-post assessment of programmes and measures adopted under UNEP/MAP, with a specific focus on their costs and benefits, and on cross-border aspects that involve both the EU context and the third Countries (Mediterranean Sea). (3) Support the establishment of new (sub)regionally coordinated measures. Support the development of effective regional measures to reduce the levels of physical disturbance to the seafloor from fisheries and other relevant activities, taking account of work by TG Seabed (all regions). The overall purpose of ABIOMMED is to support the competent authorities of the Mediterranean region, as well as the UNEP/MAP for a (sub)regional cooperation for the preparation of the next 6-year cycle of MSFD implementation through the marine strategies, by setting up working arrangements, meetings, workshops, experts’ platforms and synergies with other projects and initiatives and to ensure feedback from EU or UNEP/MAP relevant working and technical groups. ABIOMMED focuses on the Descriptor D1: Biodiversity of MSFD and more particularly on the biodiversity cluster: D1, D1C6, D6. Case studies will Include the Ionian Sea, the Saronikos gulf and the 3 Adriatic MSs marine areas (Italy, Slovenia and Croatia) and possibly the Sicily straits with Malta. An effort will also be made to include in some specific studies W. Mediterranean habitats (as possibly among the Gulf of Lions, Balearic Basins and Alboran Sea).
Economy; Fish habitat; Habitat mapping; Policy; Environmental impact; Ecosystem approach; Physical disturbance;
Gulf of Lions (GSA 7) Southern Alboran Sea (GSA 3) Northern Alboran Sea (GSA 1) Malta Island (GSA 15) Balearic Island (GSA 5) Northern Adriatic (GSA 17)
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